Those I Love

I’ve come to realize,

I am not solely myself.

I am pieces of those I love,

Pieces of those I’ve loved, too.

They make me who I am,

who I strive to become.

Deep in my heart,

I know there’s not a single part-

of me that hasn’t been seen,

by someone I’ve loved, and like a dream,

my memories become hazier over time.

There’s still those silly things I say,

that remind me of that old friend of mine.

The one I no longer talk to.

There’s still those songs I listen to,

only because my family liked them.

Every now and then, they remind me of my home.

There’s still those places I reminisce about,

places filled with memories I long for.



16 years old

More by Writer1326

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  • Change

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  • An Ocean of Emotion

    We feel in such a deep way,

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