The Dragon Ride - Part VII

Part 7
I wanted to hold on to the Orb of Oblivion, but to beat Barrabob, I would have to break it. When the fight began, I cast slowness at him. Then he shot a Dark energy blast at me, knocking me down to one HP. I attacked back, but he attacked at the same time, and my red energy beam hit his blue one. So, before I continue, I should probably tell you about Barrabob. Barrabob is a level 13,008 Dark sorcerer, with 510 HP, a massive variety of spells, and a higher CS than Abbadon (I’m kidding; Abbadon’s CS is over 3 septillion), but I think I got my point across. And I survived his first attack. Anyway, as our energy beams-my hot (according to the flavor text of the game), red beam, and his cold (also according to the flavor text), blue, evil darkness-collided. I think it was the most epic, most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But it could not last. Barrabob called off his magic, then prepared a killing blow. So I broke the Orb of Oblivion. A one-of-a-kind relic of Abbadon himself. The Dark gas inside immediately began to spread.It healed me, but it hurt Barabob. He typed in the chat: “NO! DEFEATED? BY A NOOB? NOOO!” And then died. I. Just. Won.
    So, now you know how we ended up where we are. On the dragon ride, I mean. Then, as my flashback ended, the dragon performed an epic loop - and then set us down, said goodbye, and then, as the dragon flew away, the ride ended. When we walked back into the waiting room where our parents were reading boring adult magazines, they looked up immediately. 
“How was the ride?” Loize’s dad and my dad asked at the same time. 
Me and Loize also responded simultaneously: “Amazing. We had the time of our lives.”




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