Young Writers Project

In Flight by Samara Raiche

Join our community

of young writers & artists ages 13-19

The Daily Read

  • In The Heart Of A Storm

    The clouds churn in swirls, grey and dark. A sorrow that befalls the earth, mourning something deep and untold. A tear rolls down, cold and bitter and I weep for the misery of this darkness.

  • 2:55 PM

    The talking. The low hum of the trout tank. A few quiet people, me included. The sounds of people being scolded for their behavior at school. The cracking as I crack my fingers. The clickity clacking of the keys on the keyboard. 

  • Home

    Every week, I look forward to Sundays with my mom. My mom is a beautiful woman. She never wears designer clothes but she wears leggings, T-shirts, and sweatpants. She smells like the Thank You Next perfume by Arianna Grande.


  • Visual Art



    You’ve wandered off-trail on a hike out into the desert and lost your way. Up ahead, in the baking heat, it’s surely a mirage, but … Create the shimmering, heavenlike oasis you would like to come upon.

  • Writing



    Write about someone – passenger or driver – stuck in an hours-long traffic jam. Where are they? Do they get up, get out, explore? Get into trouble? 

  • Writing



    Write an opinion piece based on a current news story. Take a side and make a persuasive argument. Try to keep it tight, writing only 3-4 paragraphs.


  • Writing



    Vermont Writers: Seven Days and its magazine Kids VT are looking for poems or short stories with a summer theme to publish in an upcoming issue.  

  • Writing

    Create a Challenge

    Help YWP create inspiring challenges for writing or visual art. Think about what makes an interesting prompt and share your idea with us! 

  • Visual Art

    Petrit Halilaj

    Petrit Halilaj's dramatic sculptures relay stories of Kosovo based on the school desk doodles of generations of children, including those who lived through years of war.

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