Weekly Challenges

YWP's Weekly Challenges: September 2023-June 2024

Need inspiration? YWP has a wide range of writing and visual art challenges for you every week during the school year. You can respond to any of the challenges any time, but to be considered for publication with our Vermont media partners, you'll want to meet the Friday deadlines posted on each challenge. All writing and visual art posted on the site this year – both responses to these challenges and general "Create" posts – will also be considered for publication in our monthly magazine, The Voice, and our annual anthology. Find out more in Publications


  • Visual Art



    Show us a visual representation of your favorite meal or spread, complete with side dishes and dessert, as you might see it laid out on special occasions – or just in a dream!

  • Writing



    Write about a couple, or a pair of roommates, touring a new apartment or house for sale. Delve into the intricacies of their relationship or friendship as you explore the physical space through their eyes.

  • Writing



    Look up Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day, identify and define it, and use it to great effect or in as many varied ways as possible in a short story or poem.

  • Visual Art



    Take your favorite idiom, lines of poetry, or quote (no more than 2-3 sentences) and use an entire sheet of paper to write it out in the most beautiful or most experimental typography you can dream up!

  • Writing



    If you were to be reincarnated as any type of person or creature, in any country, in any future era, what fantastical future would you create for yourself?

  • Writing



    Wherever you are at this very moment, pause and take a breath. Use as many senses as you can to absorb your surroundings. Write a descriptive poem or observation about your environment.

  • Visual Art



    You’ve wandered off-trail on a hike out into the desert and lost your way. Up ahead, in the baking heat, it’s surely a mirage, but … Create the shimmering, heavenlike oasis you would like to come upon.

  • Writing



    Write about someone – passenger or driver – stuck in an hours-long traffic jam. Where are they? Do they get up, get out, explore? Get into trouble? 

  • Writing



    Write an opinion piece based on a current news story. Take a side and make a persuasive argument. Try to keep it tight, writing only 3-4 paragraphs.

  • Visual Art



    Venture outside with paper and a pencil and find some flowers or greenery that catch your eye. Hold them up to the light with one hand, and outline the shape with the other. Finish the basic silhouette in your own style. 

  • Writing



    What is something you have always considered downright absurd, that either cracks you up on a day-to-day basis or makes you so frustrated, all you can do is throw your hands up in the air?

  • Writing



    Write a short fiction piece from the point of view of a “sidekick,” wingman, or meek best friend of a more gregarious social butterfly, finally coming into their own.