
  I wake up early at 5:00 A.M. it's still dark out. Full of excitement I say, "Today is Saturday and I can watch my cartoons!" I run downstairs and turn on the TV and make sure the volume is low so I don't wake up the rest of the house. The screen comes to life and hums. It first shows a colorful room and then Mickey Mouse walks in the scene. "Hiya kids! This Mickey MOUSE!" I grin from ear to ear and pour milk into my cereal. Life is good. The show goes as usual, Mickey has a problem but friends help him and he relearns how important friendship is. I'm enjoying my show but then suddenly the tv goes static. I'm confused but I just brush it off and try to change the channel but it didn't matter how many times I clicked the channel button it stayed all static. Then I realized I could hear something coming from the TV, not just the static. I lean my head forward and listen, it sounds like growling. At this point I start getting scared and try to turn off the TV but then suddenly all the electronics turn on and start acting crazy. The lights flash on and off, the TV is flipping through channels on full volume, all my toys start making noise and moving around, my mom's radio starts blasting various songs. I screamed for my mom but got no response, I'm not sure if she would have been able to hear me anyways. Then the power cut out. All the things running just went out, leaving me in the pitch black. I started shaking uncontrollably, I was terrified of the dark in the first place but now it wasn't just some irrational fear, something was really here. Then a bright light shined through the house, so bright that I had to cover my eyes. I also heard a blaring whirring sound, it filled the whole house with its noise. Then everything started rattling around and the house let out a loud groan. Suddenly there was a ripping sound and everything flew back against the wall, including me. My eyes were watering from the pain but when I opened them I saw that the whole house was sideways and appeared to be going up into the beam of light. I made my way to the nearest window and looked down. My stomach churned looking at the scene, below me was the ground getting farther and farther away, with all my neighbor's houses getting smaller and smaller. At this point it was all too much for me, I just couldn't take it anymore (I've never been good with heights in the first place.) I just blacked out. Blacked as out as I was carried higher and higher away. Higher and higher away. APRIL 8TH 2021 NEW YORK ABDUCTION INCIDENT



18 years old

More by Mars

  • My journal

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