Dear America

Dear America

You are my country
But sometimes I feel that you are so far away
Like when I look at New York from Vermont across the lake
You are separate from me and yet so close...
Dear America, other times I feel so lucky to be a part of this giant community that is you, America
When I am with my friends and family I feel lucky to be alive right now
"Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now" 
Dear America, but then sometimes the bad things come back to my mind
The things that came out of Pandora's box
Like hate and fear, disgust and judgment, like disease and poverty
Dear America, I feel so bad for every person living on the streets
I feel terrible to know that it's possible I won't live to be an adult
Dear America, all I've ever known is your ground and soil, which I live upon
All I've ever known is my home on your ground
But sometimes I feel like I don't know you at all
America, the beautiful, you are beautiful. Your mountains and rivers and lakes, and [some of] your people.
I love you, America, but I feel so helpless and vulnerable trying to solve your many, many problems.
Just someone down here



16 years old

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