creeping upon you

It creeps upon you,
it's nowhere and then it's everywhere, 
You don't realize it's there until it's too late.
When it all consumes you
It suffocates you
yet, you don't feel anything
all you feel is the pressure weighing down
but, you don't realize how much that pressure hurts
how much it's breaking and pushing you down
it's like silence 
you don't realize how quiet it is until you can hear that pin drop
and it drops
and you can feel it falling through the air
and then it meets the ground and it stops
the suffocation stops
the pressure stops
everything stops
you can't hear the pin on the floor 
but it's still there
it's all still there
waiting until it can catch you off guard again
and to catch you off your guard it slowly consumes you
but you don't know when it'll be the last time
the last time until the pressure is too much
until that pin is moving to fast and it breaks
will it break you or will it break itself?



YWP Alumni

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  • Graduation

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  • Siblingship

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    The simmering heat of anger that a sibling can make you burn with can be quite questionable,