“The Best Things In Life Are Free”

Why do we live? Why are we here? Why were we gifted this beautiful world that we are destroying without a question? Why do we not question? Why do we not think to look where trouble lies, rather than turning our heads? Why is there trouble? Why can’t we fix it? Why DON’T we fix it?

When we look back on history, teachers say, learn from past mistakes, for history will repeat itself. Our current crisis has never happened, so how can it repeat? How will it repeat if there is no world for it to do so? No people to do so? 

History is not the only thing that repeats. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Still, not everyone is free. When will we see? Why don’t we see? Why can’t it be?

So, the real question is not why. It is when. Why comes from when. “When will we see”, now “why don’t we see”. When is up to you and me, the best things in life are free. When will we be free?

Posted in response to the challenge Why?.



15 years old

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