Willcox Elliott

Willcox Elliott


15 years old


  • The Carpet

    Its red tint nearly blends in with the brick floor.
    Though, in some places, the color has worn away,
    It's just a threadbare carpet on a red brick floor.

    It covers the cold floor
    In a cold dark hallway.
  • The Dog Bed

    It tilts slightly,
    For some reason, it lies on top of another dog bed,
    Being put there carelessly,
    To clean the floor.
    Its gray hue sort of matches the tan inside and the blue exterior.
    But of course, the dogs love a double bed.
  • Time

    "Time flies when you're having fun."
    Time also slows when you're not having fun.
    Why can't it switch?
    Why can't time tick slowly when you're having fun and go quickly when you're not.
    Why time, why?
    Time never cooperates.
  • Stargazing

    An owl hoots in the distance,
    The trees rustle gently in the summer breeze, 
    A frog croaks, longing for a friend. 
    I smile, happy to be surrounded by life.
    Imagine what the world would be like without a bird chirping,
  • Tomorrow

    The day is today,
    Yet everything is always tomorrow.
    "Mañana," they say, "sutra."
    Everything always happens demain.
    It's finally the time that you've been waiting for,
  • The Phoenix

    A single flower emerges 
    From a forest of burnt wood
    Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
    The background is charcoal gray 
    Stretching as far as the eye can see. 
    A forest of pointed black toothpicks.