


18 years old


  • A Special Story

    Maddie was sitting in her social studies class, her teacher Mrs. Smith was talking to the class. She was known for just babbling on about her personal life and talking way too much then she should.
  • Snow Day

    Vermont winters are always white. Sometimes there is tons of snow and others only a little. There are always tons of things to do like go sledding, skiing, building a snowman, etc. you're never bored. My favorite thing to do is go sledding.
  • Vacation

    February vacation was next week and everyone was excited. During the morning meeting, everyone took turns saying what they were doing. Rebecca was going to visit her cousin in New Mexico. Bobby was going to Paris. Betty was going to Louisiana.
  • Best Day of My Life

    One of the best days of my life was going to see the Eiffel Tower. I was in France with my aunt and uncle visiting my uncle’s family. I had been there for about a week and a half. For the first week we spent it in my uncle’s home town of Normandy.
  • Angel

    Another detention slip, this was Tony's third one this week. Tony never used to get detention; he was always a good kid. He went to class and did what he was told. Now he would skip class and mouth off to the teachers.
  • Secrets

    Rebecca had always been a good girl. She was always nice to everyone and had good manners. Everyone thought she was an angel child. However, she was far from perfect. She had many secrets of her own.