Carefree Honeybee

Carefree Honeybee, 

Don’t you see the hope you’ve given me?

I’ve climbed up and up and up but the end seems never closer, and I’m reaching reaching reaching for a dream that’s never there.

But that’s when I saw, in the flowers soft maw, a Carefree Honeybee

And if you can hover and buzz, if you can dance and love, in the face of growing darkness

Then maybe I can too.

And if the rain pours down, you’ll take cover in the forest, green life all around 

Not a care in the world you’ll have, little Carefree Honeybee

The flowers nectar, so sweet, and the sunlight, you’ll meet, and twirl in a dreamland of hope and relief. 
And with open arms your hive will greet you, a homecoming to revive and treat you, to a rest that’s well deserved.

If you can rest, maybe I can too.

Carefree Honey, don’t you see the hope you’ve given me? 
Now when I’m stuck in a tunnel of depression, happiness gone replaced by desperation,

I’ll remember the lesson you taught me.

Posted in response to the challenge Spring: Writing Contest.



14 years old

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