A Day In The Life Of Harold The Crow

A Day In The Life Of Harold The Crow

    Hi, I’m a Crow and my name is Harold. You may think being a crow is easy but it certainly is not. When you're a Crow named Harold you have to work harder than all the other crows. Crows named Harold have to have bottles of water with them at all times because all Crows are British, and when you're British, you get very thirsty. Crows eat pigeons for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Although sometimes they get a little hungrier than normal and will need a midnight snack (which are robins). You may be wondering if crows have pets. Well, I don’t know if other crows have pets, but I do! Mine is named Peppa Pig. Peppa Pig and I roll around in the grass together all day long. Even though my life doesn’t seem too hard, it’s a lot to handle when your name is Harold and you’re a crow.


Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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