The First Cup of Coffee

the first rays of sunlight
seep through your shades;
you shy away from the hue
hoping for just a few more minutes of peace

but it's too much; 
you begin to stretch, 
restless as you try to shake 
sleep from your eyelashes

you peek at the clock 
and sigh when you see
that it's 5:42 am 

trudging to the kitchen, 
you fumble through the cabinets 
desperately trying to find the one clean mug
so you can indulge 
in a much-needed cup of coffee 

the first tendrils of steam hit your nose
and you breathe deeply,
relaxing as the comforting aroma
surrounds you with warmth

you plop yourself down
at the round kitchen table
and take your first sip of coffee. 
the sunlight again coats your face, 
but this time you welcome it with open arms, 
smiling in the soft glow of dawn. 



YWP Alumni

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