Five Things to do if Your Car Breaks Down in a Snowstorm

Five things to do if your car breaks down in a snowstorm 

By: Sam Kraemer

Introduction: As a proud Vermonter, myself, this is something I have experienced several times. You’re driving along and then all of a sudden you’re sliding off the road, or the barrage of fluffy frozen crystals become blinding. The worst part is always the boring minutes that feel like hours spent waiting for the storm to pass or for Triple-A to arrive. This is a guide made for use in these situations. However, some of these can be adapted for use in other times of extreme boredom.    


  1. Play games: Games are great for time passing. If your luck has improved then you’ll be sure to find cards or perhaps a board game in the depths of your car’s arsenal. If you happen to not be so lucky then just play a bored game (intentionally spelled like that): meaning a game to play when bored. Games like 20 Questions, I Spy, or the Geography game are excellent choices.


  1. Wonder about the potential for a snow day: If you have ever gone to school in a place like Vermont then you know the feeling of hoping for a snow day. If it is snowy enough to stop your car then there is a good chance for a snow day. In this age of extreme technological advancement, we have tools like the snow day calculator to pique our anticipation. But just talking about what you will do will do that just fine. However, you might want to do this in moderation as too often the school district disappoints, and all your hype will be for nothing. 


  1. Play in the snow: This requires certain conditions to be met. You must have adequate winter attire and be on a side road. But if these conditions are met then this could be the most fun of this entire list. Build snow forts, throw snowballs (Careful to avoid injury…or not), surround yourself in that pillow of frozen goodness. So many good memories come from snow. Why not make more to pass the time?     


  1. Talk: This may seem a little basic but a good conversation can take one’s mind off anything. Any topic will do. Some of my favorites are sports, music, and current events, just anything that is not your situation because that will keep your mind on your predicament which would have the opposite effect than intended. Also don’t get too deep into conversation so that you miss the Triple-A truck.  


  1. Humor: probably my favorite. Make jokes. If you're stuck in a snowstorm maybe some snow jokes like: why was the snowman sad? Because he was having a meltdown. But really any jokes can work. Some of my favorites (For those that can come up with any): I burned 1000 calories in one hour yesterday. That’s the last time I’ll leave a large pizza in the oven for too long. I gave up my seat to a blind man on the bus. That’s how I lost my job as a bus driver. I was wondering why the Frisbee was getting bigger and then it hit me. 



Posted in response to the challenge Blizzard.

Sam Kraemer 313


16 years old

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