I Heard Your Voice in my Head Today

I heard your voice in my head today.
I suddenly stared off into space.

You filled my ears with the screaming cries that I will never forget;
The same screams that came out of me when you stabbed my back.

You flood my thoughts with the same tears that flooded my eyes on the day you weren't there.
That was the day I needed you the most.
I leave reality and my eyes flash to memories. 

My heart aches with regret,
But my head stitches it with understanding.

Natalie Strout



19 years old

More by nataliestrout

  • Let The Tears Out

    Let the tears out.
    Let the drops of pain fall from your eyes
    And drip from the top of your nose.
    Watch the memories create a blur in your eyes
    And feel them run down your cheek.
    Feel the water,
    As it dries up on your chin.