Sixteen Candles

Fifteen was good to me 
Will sixteen be too?
Will it be everything I’ve hoped for
Or will my hopes fall through?
It’s a bittersweet feeling
Growing older as we do
It’s hard to believe 
Because the time really flew.
Tomorrow is the day
I don’t know if I’m ready 
My mind is a mess
I’m a little unsteady. 
But still, I’ll push forward
Get through today 
And wake up tomorrow 
Feeling some kind of way.
I’m excited for what’s to come 
Excited for this new age 
I’m ready for whatever 
I'm ready for this new stage. 
So I welcome you sixteen
Into my life 
I'm ready for you 
Because you will be larger than life. 



17 years old

More by Penelope

  • Mother to Child

    From the day you were born I loved you unconditionally. 

    I loved you every second, of every minute, of every day. 

    When you were born, I was reborn alongside you. 


  • Lake


    You are still, but the bright trees around you shake. 

    Colored leaves fall onto your surface.

    The wind howls, but you are calm. 

  • One: A Tale of Love

    I never realized

    There was a big difference between

    Being in love

    And loving someone.

    Not until you came along.


    I’ve come up with an idea.

    I call it

    The hole of love.