Standing in the Rain

My feet planted in the mud.

The sky, dark and soft.

Grey clouds promising me.

The soft pattern has arrived.

Soaking me inside and out.

My soul and my mind,

Being washed clean.

The water like sharp bits of heaven pierce me.

Running down my arms.

Dripping from my hair.

Standing in the rain. 




16 years old

More by Estelle

  • Skipping stones

    One word, one stone,
    Flat and smooth.
    One lake, one life.
    One stone
    Is flung at the water.
    The ripples spread out like a fan.
    Each ripple changes the water,
    Churning up the sand.
    It hits once, twice, again and again.
  • It Still Hurts

    I look just like you,

    Pale skin, light hair.

    Do you know my blood is a little bit different?

    You might not notice,

    The little things, that show I am different.

    You might notice an accent in a couple words,
  • Keep Them Close

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