Who I’d be

I’ve been asked many times who I want to be. Usually this is in the reference of what I want to be when I’m older, or if I want to be kind, smart or talented. But for me that wasn’t the question I heard. If I could be anyone, if I could step into anyone else’s shoes for a day, who would it be, who would I be? This is the question I’ve always wanted to answer. 

For most of my life if you had asked me I would have said someone in my school. I never wanted to be a famous person or someone with lots of money. I wanted to try someone I knew life. They would have to be in my class because that’s the only way I could really make a change. If you ask me now though I would say one of my teachers.

I wanna know what goes through their minds. I wanna know why they do what they do. I need to get an understanding of them. Sometimes they show who their favorites are just a little to much. Is it on purpose? I want to step into the shoes of being a teacher.

k drake


YWP Alumni

More by k drake

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  • Perfect day

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