
you're too young,
they all say.
their voices echo through hallways,
creep into the tiniest
of my brain.
you're too young,
you can't be anything,
do anything.
you're so young,
it's so cute that you're trying to 
be anything,
do anything.

their words make me
look back 
and think,
maybe i can't
do this.
make me
scribble over
my work
because it doesn't
feel like enough.
nothing is enough
when people know
how young you are
and think that is
a fault
instead of a virtue.

sometimes i wonder,
if people could hear the words
in my heart,
would they still think i was
too young?
or would they
take me seriously
as a person,
a human,
a writer,
an artist.
or do i just have to wait
until i am a true adult
for people to believe
i can do things?
that i can be
everything they can be?

will anything
ever be



14 years old

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    your Sprite bottle, 

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  • hummingbird girl

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  • Medicine

    The wood is lush and dappled with light, 

    the first April flowers poking out of the ground, snow

    melting under my bare feet. 

    The ache of you digs into my chest like a sharpened blade,