the girl in blue

the girl in the blue 
coat walks by my porch every
day, and she smiles.
she smiles at me.

i have memorized her face,
her dimples, her perfectly straight
teeth, her light skin
with freckles, her green eyes
clouded with gold.

i want to reach out and touch
the soft blond locks of hair
that fall out of her braid as
she walks by.

she hums a tune in a sweet,
clear voice, and she carries her
juice box in her hand, a flower
in her bag as she twirls around.

every time she walks by,
she takes a sip of juice, 
peach flavored.
sweet, i imagine.

she does not have a name,
at least not that i know of,
but i long to call her by it.

i long to let the butterflies
beating in my stomach free to
fly above her golden head.

i stare at her, the aching
in my chest almost sweet as
i hear her singing.

my fingers flex, fighting
the urge to reach for hers.

my eyes are glassy with tears
as i breath quickly, watching her 
leave, my heart in her hands.



16 years old

More by ivyparks

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  • Dependency

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    she hurts and she grows,
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