A letter for everyone on YWP: Thank You

For Everyone on YWP, 

I don't normally write letters, or tell people what I'm about to write...but this is special. 
This site, and all the people on this site, you have so helped me. I can't thank you enough. I write to cope with hard things, to get all my words I can't say out loud, out of my head. And it helps even more, when other writers read those poems/rants/wordbursts.

I joined YWP to help me with a very hard time in my life. I have had Lyme Disease for 12 years, and have slowly gotten better. Partly from the medicine, but I know a big part of my healing process has been on YWP. Especially the people :) When I first came on here, I was having days where I couldn't stand up. I fell way behind in school because the room wouldn't stop spinning, and I couldn't see straight. Then I found YWP, and on the days I could, I wrote on here. My brother and mom were also diagnosed with Lyme, and my dad was extremely busy working so that we could keep living our lives. This meant me making a lot of meals, and helping to take care of my little sister. Exhausting, as well as hard. But writing with all of you kept me going as best I could.

So Thank You, YWP.  I love sharing my work with you guys, reading and seeing yours. It has helped my healing process tremendously, and I no longer feel my sickness :) I never expected such a great group of people, or so much love and support. I have so much fun talking over tiny writes, and answering questions.  And hopefully someday I'll be able to thank some of you in person.
But for now, merci, gracias, spasibo, etc.

Love, Stargirl




18 years old

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