What If...

If life were an ocean, 
We would be the rip tide.
The wave that hurts and doesn't forgive.
We would be crashing and pulling away.

If life were a backpack,
We would be the broken zipper.
The frustrating zipper that won't close, nor open
That gets us nowhere.

If life were a banana,
We would be the brown one.
The one that makes all the others brown.
Spreading so fast.

Just like the sickness.
The tide that takes over.
The zipper that doesn't move on.
The banana that's spreads so fast.

But we can stop it.
With the smallest steps.
That can change the world.
For good or for bad.

But you have to take that risk.
Because if you don't,
You might keep thinking.
What could have been different, if I had taken that step.


A Sports Person


16 years old

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