


19 years old


  • To be Blunt

    The worst day was the one where I glanced back and you didn't.
    For leaving is silent, but being left is ear-splitting.
    You did nothing to destroy me.
    And in turn, I went deaf.
  • On Display

    Her gaze lingered, just a second too long, and suddenly the lighting changed. I reflected back down onto the fabric I'd covered myself in, now horrified as I looked quickly away in dismay.
  • America's Sunrise

    For many, the inauguration of Joe Biden is seen as a close on the era of chaos. No longer does the man ruling our country use derogatory terms towards women and immigrants.
  • Branches of my Youth

    My tree is a razor-sharp memory
    Sticky pine and strong, safe trunk
    Perched on the edge of a forgotten home
    Which all my love has sunk

    From four years old I gathered round
    Lighting up at pinecones found
  • Flipping the Hourglass

    5:01 PM
    His worn size 12 sneakers met the surface of the cobblestone arching bridge
    Within them lie tired aching feet
    Burdened by the impaired dictator they were forced to support
    Striking stone after stone,
  • My Revelation Moment

        In the dark yet illuminated night, my four closest friends and I drove the empty roads of Maine. We all came from different states and had met four years earlier at summer camp.