


YWP Alumni


  • The 25th of December

    As a child, Christmas felt like a dream. 
    It felt like such a day couldn’t exist,
    like we would wake up to December 26th, 
    and go on with our lives like normal. 

    Christmas felt like not being able to sleep, 
  • Life, Washed Away

    Upon normal occasions, the girl liked water.
    It was calm, smooth, rolling upon itself, self-reliant and assured.

    But when the wall of water came upon her village, 
    when it cascaded down upon her home and life,
  • Mind Music

    I sit in the silence, 
    windows open 
    wind blowing gently,
    And try not to think. 
    But the music, the music, the music
    I imagine the silence, 
    refuse to listen to my own mind. 
  • After the end of time

    The clocks stopped two hours ago. Or so we think. 
    There isn’t really anyway to tell, of course. 
    They let us go from school early, 
    except cars didn’t work, phones didn’t ring,
  • Alive in a Dead Life

         I feel alive when the sky breathes, when the mountains I ascend hug the horizon and fill every crevasse in my fractured heart, when the smell of decaying leaves shoves it way up my nose, when I feel the mud beneath my feet as I sp