


YWP Alumni


  • Yellow Brick Road

    "Follow the yellow brick road",
    Is what lost children are told.
    It's simple just to do what you're told,
    And follow the yellow brick road.

    It's not possible to follow the road.
    I must break the mold,
    Or face the cold.
  • Land of Misfits

    Welcome to the land of misfits.
    We are the ones
    Who don’t fit in.
    We are the ones 
    Who were banished for our sins.
    We are the ones
    Who are lost.

    Welcome to the land of problematic kids.
    We are the ones
  • You're BEAUTIFUL

    I walked into school today.
    Saw a girl in the bathroom crying,
    Looking in the mirror,
    Nothing but disgust and dispair on her face.
    Lonely and friendless,
    I watched as the girl cried.
    I watched as she wished for a 
  • Butterfly

    I saw a butterfly 
    Beautifully flying
    In the sky.
    But it fell,
    In my hand,
    As its wings break apart,
    Like a heart.
    I caught it, because it is weak.
    I helped it heal the wound,
  • Break and Bend

    I'm the lone red tattered door in the opulent neighborhood.
    I'm the sweater you tore and said you'd fix, but it doesn't look good anymore. Break and bend.
    I'll start again.
    But little friend,
    Please don't ever touch me again.