


YWP Alumni


  • i am me.

    it's 12am on nine-eleven-twenty-twenty.
    my name is rowan, and i am eighteen.
    i have struggled. i have cried. i did not think i'd make it this far.
    i did not think i'd do half the things i have.
  • nine-eleven

    to think that i will be a legal adult tomorrow.
    i could vote. i could buy fish at petsmart.
    i could apply to places like aldi's and tractor supply.

    my birthday, for me, has always been tinged with sadness.
  • placidity

    i watch the numbers tick up.
    i read the headlines.
    suny oneonta shuts down for the semester -
    six hundred cases.

    i go outside.
    i see the masks, worn properly or not.
    the spraying of hand sanitizer,
  • Keepsake

    what is there to say? so very little
    not already covered by another pen
    by other words, more or less
    sophisticated than mine.

    i do not pretend that i am good,
    nor that i am bad.
    i'm just a writer. i write things.
  • uzumaki

    i blend in.

    i'm just another student. one with classes, with food, with a laptop, with things to do.
    with friends.
    we move in a bubble, all of us, together.

    or perhaps we're separated,
    walking alone, but that's fine.