


12 years old


  • Taylor Swift

    swift locks of golden hair belonging to—

    a girl once invisible that now has a place in this world,

    guitar stained with teardrops,

    that is worn out by playing her song.


    golden fireworks blazing from the sky—

  • Gold

    the lifting of a tender brush

    dipping it in a swirl of gold

    painting the lush scene

    with fine flecks of rose gold;

    the love of a tender soul

  • eclipse

    She lights up the room,

    ignites the fire in their souls,

    so conspicuous and a fire so bright,

    never missed and never misunderstood.

    He holds his breath,

    waiting for her to notice,

  • Glory


    never-ending and formidable

    wanting more than you have

    satisfaction is an enemy

    you are warned.



    a desire that cannot be shattered

    always lurking around in every corner
