


19 years old


  • By Maria

    Warrior women

    A warrior princess 
    With golden armor 
    And an aluminum core 
    Told me to keep my anger 

    Let it boil and let it rise 
    Until the steam hits your tongue 

  • Lessons of Idealism


    Sun rays bouncing off the rubber of my soles
    Throwing me into the clouds 
    Hazy, glazed over golden 
    The realistic questions, the doubts wovet throughout only pinged me back down to earth 
  • Silver cars


    Every time I see a silver car I become alert

    And I immediately check the make and model

    I do this not because I hope it is you,

    But because I’m praying it’s not.

    If anxiety could speak

  • Love Voices

    “Love, they promise
    Love, please be there 
    they fall back
    Love, they need you
    Love, forgive me
    Love, we love each other
    Love, love is enough”

    I love yous are not an apology
  • For Anxiety

    Why be 
    So vengeful
    Against your own body.
    Making me want to hide me.
    Lie to me,
    All while you vie with me.
    Nerves tangle in my hands
    When you take your foreboding stance
    They beckon me to lead,
  • Want in Time

    I used to roll my eyes 
    And joke about what a lie
    Relationships lead
    And to ever concede to the emotion
    Would only implicate someone weak
    But that was before
    I knew the change brought about in a single week