


17 years old


  • Lasanga

    Running he squash 
    Through a mandolin
    And simmering the sauce
    Making dinner
    Is something I can do
    When everything else seems impossible
    It’s simple
    And straightforward
    And it still makes people happy
  • Getting out of the car

    Getting out of the car
    for school
    in the morning
    is deceptively simple:
    swing one leg over,
    then the other,
    set both feet on the pavement,
    don't forget your backpack.
    Somehow, though,
    it's more than just
  • Trance

    There's a kind of trance
    you go into while camping
    where nothing matters
    except the leaf chain that you're weaving
    and the mud around your feet
    and your sister
    next to you
    making mud pies
    But nothing else matters
  • Fake Beavers

    When you're looking for a beaver
    everything pretends to be one
    a jumping fish
    a floating log
    a ripple in the water
    But there never are real beavers
    unless you don't expect to see one.
  • The Wind on the Moors

    What is it about the wind on the moors
    That makes you not mind
    When it blows your hair into your mouth
    And the water you're trying to drink out of your mouth
    And the juice of the nectarine you're trying to eat everywhere else?