I’m new to YWP. How do I get started?
- If you are between 13 and 19 years of age, start an account on youngwritersproject.org by clicking "Sign Up" on the homepage. Completely fill out the info boxes with accurate information for YWP administrators (not for public eyes) so we can confirm your identity and be able to contact you about publication, contests, and events.
- Pick a username you like and a password you will remember.
- Once your account is approved, you can start submitting writing and visual art posts to your own blog, respond to YWP’s challenges, comment on other writers' and artists' work, and chat with them on YWP’s interactive forums, Tiny Writes and the Book Club.
- If you are 12 or younger, please return to us when you turn 13 and you'll be joining a vibrant online community of teenagers who are as excited about writing and art as you are!
- Teachers do not require accounts on our site to use our many challenges and resources. Please go to the For Teachers tab on the dropdown menu on the homepage for more information.
Where do I find step-by-step instructions for the site?
Go to How the Site Works. If you still have questions, YWP staff are here to help.
How does my work get featured on the site or published?
YWP staff review every post on the site, more than 10,000 each year! We celebrate every writer and artist who bravely shares their creations with the world – original, honest, powerful voices that inspire us every day. We highlight YWP writing and visual art here:
- The Daily Read and Gallery: Three pieces of writing and three pieces of art featured on the homepage of the YWP website.
- The Voice: Our monthly digital magazine on the homepage, showcasing the outstanding writing and art posted to YWP every month. Past issues of The Voice from January 2020-July 2023 can be accessed by linking from the site to the YWP archive.
- Anthology: A beautiful, annual book of the best writing and visual art submitted to the site each year.
- Media Partners: In Vermont, we publish weekly on VTDigger.org, and monthly during the school year in the Barre-Montpelier Times Argus and Rutland Herald.
What about copyrights of my work?
YWP retains copyrights to publish your work, but you retain the commercial copyrights to do anything you wish with your piece forever. For more details, go to the Terms and Conditions of joining YWP.
Is YWP a safe space?
YWP has thrived since 2006 as a model of online civility because of the respect members of the YWP community show each other and the site itself. YWP is “youth-led,” and our young writers and artists take it upon themselves to ensure the site remains civil and welcoming. Occasionally, very rarely, YWP administrators step in to remind users of our editorial policy.
What is YWP’s Editorial Policy?
Young Writers Project strives to create a safe, respectful, positive space for young writers and artists. We encourage, within the bounds of respect and civility, the active exchange of ideas and viewpoints, however, as a matter of policy and common publishing practice, we exercise editorial discretion and reserve the right to remove from the website any material we deem inappropriate. Such material would include but not be limited to:
- Content that portrays or encourages intolerance, violence, cruelty, or self-harm;
- Language that is threatening, defamatory, discriminating, bullying, hurtful, uncivil, or unkind;
- Content that is not your original work. No plagiarism or “borrowing” from other writers or artists. And no AI.
YWP's guiding rule is: Be respectful. Respect keeps YWP an oasis of civility on the web. This applies to all posts and interactions on the site. Posts that stray from the basic tenet of respect will be removed from the site. The writer's account may be suspended temporarily, or permanently, at YWP's discretion. Above all, we trust members of the YWP community to keep YWP respectful, positive, and welcoming.
What is YWP's mission and when did it start?
YWP's mission is to inspire, mentor, publish, and promote young writers and artists. YWP was founded as an independent nonprofit in Burlington, VT, in 2006 by Geoff Gevalt, then managing editor of the Burlington Free Press, with support from the Vermont Business Roundtable, to help young people become better writers. Over the years, YWP has evolved into a dynamic online community of teen writers and visual artists who post more than 10,000 submissions to youngwritersproject.org each year. Our website is the heart of YWP, where aspiring young writers and artists explore and create together, share meaningful feedback, make friends, gain skills, and experience the joy and affirmation of being published. Along the way, they become better writers and artists. YWP is empowering. It can be life changing.
What is YWP's non-discrimination policy?
Young Writers Project does not unlawfully discriminate in its administrative and program operations or in the provision of services – and will not allow discrimination – on the basis of any other status prohibited by applicable law.
Who uses the YWP site?
As of spring 2024, all new accounts on our website are reserved for teens, 13-19 years of age. Most of our site users are in this age group, and the site is intended specifically for them. Most members of YWP are from Vermont, where we are based, but we have members from across the U.S. and other countries who find us on the internet and by recommendation from teachers and YWP writers and artists.
What are some of the features of YWP's website?
Accessibility: YWP strives to be accessible to any teen writer or artist who wants to join us. All YWP programs free of charge. And we've improved the accessibility and usability of our website, including:
- Clear and contrast-free typeface, fonts, and colors;
- Alternative text;
- Easier site navigation.
Our Logo:

The corvid (raven and crow family) symbolizes creativity and playfulness. It’s a nod to YWP’s past logos, but with a new look. The YWP corvid sits atop an asterisk, representing creative ideas, as if the mark is a collected treasure.
The Homepage:
- Three Daily Reads;
- Gallery of Visual Art;
- Highlighted Challenges, News & Events, a "Spotlight" feature, and the best of our monthly digital magazine, The Voice.
YWP Members' Dashboards: Logged-in users can go directly to a personal dashboard by clicking on the avatar at the top right. The dashboard (or profile landing page) includes quick links to create writing or visual art, as well as links to challenges, and the latest in Tiny Writes and the Book Club. Users can join these interactive forums directly from the dashboard.
Create: Click the Create button and different blog forms will pop up for writing or visual art. The Create option is for "freestyle" submissions not linked to specific challenges. You can also link quickly to challenges and contests from the dashboard. All writing and visual art submitted via Create or in response to Challenges will be considered for publication.
Challenges: All challenges – Weekly Challenges, Contests, Opinion & Commentary, Great Artists, and Great Poets – can be found on one central page.
For Teachers: A special section to help teachers use YWP. No account is needed.
How do I access the old YWP website?
Our previous site from 2015-23 is archived at archives.youngwritersproject.org.
Who manages the site?
Susan Reid, YWP executive director; Anna Forsythe, publications coordinator; William Anderson, editor/administrator; and our alumni advisors who contribute mentoring and support on the site. YWP also has a great board of directors. Read more on the YWP Staff & Board page.
How do I help to sustain YWP?
Please Donate! YWP relies solely on donations and grants from foundations, businesses, and individuals to support our 501(c)(3) nonprofit – and to provide all programs free of charge so any teen can join us!
I still have questions …
We’re happy to answer them! Contact Susan Reid, YWP executive director, at sreid@youngwritersproject.org or by private message on the site at Reid@YWP.