
Comment Commented on Posted

Sorry for the late reply. I'm not the one who wrote the tag but there's a bunch of them all around Austin Texas. Really insperational message though!

What Do We Need? 3 hours ago

This is so beautiful!! The descriptions are breathtaking, and I had to read it over twice because of how much I loved it! Also I can't believe you're only 11--this seems like something that could be in an anthology written by adults!! :)

generational 4 hours ago

beautiful & hauntingly true. love the line breaks. <3

When You Are No Longer Young 8 hours ago

Thank you so much! I really enjoyed writing this piece even though it sort of felt like a confession I wasn't supposed to make. And thanks for noticing the prose style! :D

generational 8 hours ago

Thanks so much! It means a lot to me that you connect with my work!

The Snake and the Songbird 8 hours ago

i read it a month ago!! i really enjoyed it and the concept was cool :)

Tiny Write by Alex, March 24 2025 9 hours ago

That's true, it might not be enough but we all have to try. Only then do we have a chance

Enough 10 hours ago

This is so amazingly cool! 

One day of 60 degrees 13 hours ago

Your message really resonates with me, because I'm always trying to remind myself that someone else may just be having a bad day and deserve some grace for their words or actions. But you're right: You're not obligated to forget, or forgive (a message that many people preach as virtuous, but is a personal choice, I firmly believe). The set-up of the conversation between prey and predator to communicate that idea was an intelligent and effective format choice.

The Snake and the Songbird 14 hours ago

There's something about this piece that feels like a slap, and your words are cutting. You gave what felt like the ideal amount of detail to fully paint a picture of these two characters, leaving enough room for the reader to make their own interpretations as they may. The run-on style you employ works particularly well here, too.

generational 14 hours ago