Young Writers Project

Reflection by ThisIsMyLetterToTheWorld

Join our community

of teen writers & artists

The Daily Read



  • Writing



    Write a poem using a forest as a metaphor for either confusion or indecision.

  • Writing



    What is one thing you think everyone should do at least once in their life? Write from your own experience or research. 

  • Visual Art



    Find a piece of writing you like on YWP. Create a piece of art — a drawing, a photo, a painting — based on that piece. Include a link to the piece that inspired you.


  • Visual Art


    VT Youth Poet Laureate Illustration Contest

    Vermont Artists: Illustrate a poem by Vermont Youth Poet Laureate Harmony Belle Devoe to be created as a broadside print. The winning submission will receive $200, a copy of the broadside, and the opportunity to experience the printing process.

  • Writing


    Best of Fall

    We know, we know! It's summer and we love it! Why think about fall? Well, here's a challenge from Vermont newspaper Seven Days: Describe fall in beautiful detail or explore the "back-to-school" experience – for publication in an upcoming issue.

  • Writing

    Kamala Harris

    With Vice President Kamala Harris stepping in where President Joe Biden left off, how do you see the presidential race now? 

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