Fainting Goat

Fainting Goat


15 years old


  • I Promise You

    I promise you I care

    This I know for sure.

    I promise you I’m here

    Just maybe not to stay.

    I promise you I’m fine

    Just in my own way.

    I promise you I’m trying

    I swear I always have been.

  • Teenager

    I am a teenager

    My life is not simple

    I am traumatized and scarred

    And doing my best

    But it seems like adults can’t see this

    All they see is an anxious little girl

    Who doesn’t seem to care

  • If Only

    If only I’d never met you

    If only I had been stronger

    If only I had seen sooner

    Just how abusive you are

    If only I hadn’t let you

    Turn my life to ruin

    If only I hadn’t tried

  • Teenage Years

    Teenage Years

    Some of the best

    And the worst

    Years of your life

    Or so I hear

    Some of the hardest

    And most rewarding

    Or so I hear

    My teenage years have been a doozy

    I’ve had massive


  • Poetry

    By A.R

    Silent Thoughts

    To be chosen. 

    That's all I wish for—to be someone's first choice. 

    I watch from afar, lost in a sea of the bittersweet feeling 

    As others are always chosen first, but never me, 

  • relentless

    a dream, swirling in my tired mind, a sequence of letters makes a word.

    my brain aches, an onslaught of countless words and numbers.

    Get up, grasp the dream, make it out.

    Get up, identify it!

    Get up!

    Get up!

  • Teenhood

    There should be a word

    For ages thirteen through seventeen.

    There should be a word

    Like childhood or adulthood

    That describes

    Being a teenager.

    Adolescence is one, yes

    But it doesn't fit.

  • Poetry

    By wph


    Someday there’ll be holes in these walls

    Where pictures of you once hung from thumbtacks 

    And the little squares of wall they used to take up 

    Will crumble and rot.