7:53 My mother has creases under her eyes I’ve forgotten I contributed to, laugh lines around her lips I didn’t realize were from jokes I’d made.
rufus, rutilus, cardinalis, rubidus
If I could find a color that I felt adequately described the bright bulbs outside my window, clinging to the branches of a tree I have never seen bloom, I would not use it
Some words have no place being written —
I have given a lot of my faith away with purple ribbons
I have given a lot of my faith away with purple ribbons
Our fingers brush when my hope is taken from me, and I expect no more than a jolt in my stomach, slight discomfort at having been accidentally touched
I am standing in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror
Eating salad, the leaves all droopy and curled
I like how my collarbones look in this shirt
The one I told my mom I didn’t like -
Response to Mary Oliver's 'The Swan'
I saw it then, I see it now
Tonight, a brightness to the moon, its sheen like whitecaps, murky pale
Birds pierce the skies when airborne, rip holes into stars with unconscious sharpness – -
I'm Back
I'm back--who knows for how long
I've put breath and sweat and tears into projects that do not serve me
I am tired, my stomach overripe with angry, boiling resentment
Thick citrus, biting my insides with bubbling teeth