


13 years old


  • speak

    its funny,

    funny how you tell me to stay silent when all you do is speak.

    i cry sometimes,

    i cry sometimes to sleep,

    because all i can think about is you.

    and i'm not a big fan of you.


  • Beloved Aphrodite.

    Beloved Aphrodite,

    goddess of love and beauty.

    Lady Aphrodite,

    guiding everyone to love and acceptance,

    for them and for others,

    and for now and for good.


    the planet of love,

  • play

    my turn on stage had come to an end as i ran off stage quickly, the villain and victim hopped on stage.

  • cold

    the morning dew falls off the leaves

    its 7:00 AM, and i am asleep. 

    i breathe deeply, in supposed sync with you

    but thats when i realize,

    i'm cold. 

    i open my eyes and yawn

  • asleep

    i was so used to you putting me to sleep and tucking me in

    kissing my forehead and singing to me

    that i never thought 

    that one day

    i would be putting myself to sleep 
