


13 years old


  • field of thoughts

    far away from my friends as they speak,

    i never liked feeling alone. 

    i never liked feeling left out.

    but here i am, 

    whenever i speak,

    my words don't even go into one ear of any of my friends,

  • lies in thorns

    sometimes i lie,

    i lie when i want to,

    and when i don't want to.

    most of the time i am forced to.

    forced to lie so i can survive.

    i think about lying as taking a cookie from a cookie jar as a kid,

  • house on the hill

    when i was little,

    i lived on a hill.

    a grassy green hill on the outskirts of Vermont,

    there was a bright red slide,

    and two ferrets that i'd watch aimlessly all day,

    without a care in the world.

  • graduation

    it seems so far,


    walking down in a black tight dress,

    one by one,

    suits and ties,

    flowing dresses and shining tiaras.

    we're called up one by one by our full names,

  • sweet

    i once knew a girl,

    she was sweet and open to everyone about everything,

    i was good friends with this girl,

    say i knew her more than her parents did,

    she had short auburn hair and pretty blue eyes,
