Take me on a drive
I'll roll the window down
stick out my hand
let it
soar through the air
fly on the speed
fly on the wind.
Take me on a drive
I'll paint a sketchbook full
First leaf
The first leaf
is let away
from the motherly grasp
of its tree's branches.
It twirls down
the veins and the webbed leaf between them
making it spin
To the little girl with big dreams
I wish the sun always shone
But never burned your skin
And that when it is snowing
The cold never nips
I wish all your tears were happy
And you never knew grief
But I know none of this is true
For Mom
I love my mom
Everything I’ve learned in life
is thanks to her
She's the woman that has been by my side
since the day I was brought into this world
She's the woman that loved me and cared for me
Candy Colored Leaves
"You're changing," I whisper to myself
"So am I," whispers the wind
I think change is good
Change is the way the air cools at night
Change is the way I'm back at school again
People Watching
I balance on the ledge of my window, up 31 floors, back pressed firmly against the side.
Sometimes, I will look below, and watch.
And sometimes, it helps.