Just Like Them
We'll lie on the floor
You're wearing the yellow hat I gave you
I'm wearing pajamas
We'll facetime and pretend
We're not just like them
We're not
Are we
Fashionably Early
Everyone could make excuses
for when the bears showed up late
to the party
fashionably late
they called it
but when the bears came early
no one
could explain the questions
Just Like Us
They're obsessed with social media and two-second dating
we talk about climate change and ski racing
they'll talk about what they're supposed to
we'll talk about the world's problems and what to do
Be Bored
I've been thinking recently a lot about my time on screens, and how it seems like I can't escape my phone and other technology.
Wake up later than you need to, earlier than you want to and happier than you deserve to.
2) Take a shower. Look at your big little body in the mirror before you get in.
sunday nights
sunday nights are my own.
old music in the corners of my mind
pen scratches on paper, ten thousand poems
two hundred and seventy-two
little golden lights, 4 walls
that mirror my soul.
He doesn’t look at me
Like I look at him
I know exactly what he does at recess
Where he eats lunch
His middle name
I know what books he likes
What video games
I’ve slept in the same room with him -
Folding in on Itself
I knew it was bad
when you didn’t even have to say it,
when I saw it in your eyes,
when I knew it in the way you folded your arms
and turned away when I spoke.