


13 years old


  • Strangers


    are the closest companions. 

    You take a shot 

    and I let it go.  

    You say I’m pretty 

    and I let it go. 

  • Star

    I’m a star

    I’ll travel millions of miles

    Just to see you

    Just to give you a little light

    A little hope in this hopeless world


    One day

    I’ll be an asteroid

    And I’ll fall from the sky

  • Red

    When I was first brought into the boathouse, the outside world was different. The rowers were different, the clothes they wore were different, the oars they used were different, and the waters of the lake were clearer.

  • She Is

    Inspired By My Own Book Series

    She is a firebird

    Rising from the ashes

    Picking herself up in the darkness

    Holding hope in her talons


    She is glass

    Stable and transparent