


11 years old



  • To Dream

    maybe one day i'll see you

    at a class reunion 20 years in the future

    you'll have gotten taller than i am in heels

    your hair will no longer be curled and bleached but

  • Coffee Runs

    When I was a kid, I had a near perfect childhood. I had friends on the same street as me, and we rode our bikes around the neighborhood playing cops and robbers.

  • Poetry

    By wph


    We lie in bed  with our arms around ourselves, 

    cradling the mangled bodies of children

     who had the stars squeezed out of their eyes so that, still shining, they fell 

  • pink

    the day he was new was the day i made a new friend.

    he was my height, my age, and had pretty eyes. he was nice and sat next to me. his name was Pierce. like his piercing eyes, or piercing smile.

  • Poetry

    By wph

    And the Message Said

    I got a very old text message today. 

    I remember when it was sent many yesterdays past. 

    It dropped down from the top of my screen in a little box,