


11 years old



  • grin & bear it

    i wonder how many times he’s said i love you.//

    i wonder how many flowers he’s gifted//, how many 

    slow dances he’s danced, the ratio between//

  • Today

    Today I've walked around school in a haze

    I don't know what to do 

    How to feel 

    I don't understand

    How he won again

    I don't think I want to understand

  • Eyes

    the leaves are turning the color of your eyes again 

    as they fall to the ground i take care not to step on them 

    break their fragile spines, crack their delicate skin 

  • I, the minotaur

    here I sit-
    bathed in darkness
    trapped beyond reach of the sun

    I do not touch the poor creatures they cast into my darkness
    flesh does not satiate me
    so I chew on my rage