


13 years old


  • Inspiration

    I wait for inspiration

    To strike me while I think.

    I wait for a lightbulb

    Or a thought bubble

    Or lightning.

    I wait for those ideas

    I know I have to have

  • I remember

    I remember a time

    When I felt so free

    And everything, anything, I wanted could be.

    The person next to me was everything

    The worlds we created were ours.

    Our vision was color and light and laughter

  • Dear Mr. Snowman

    Dear Mr. Snowman,

    I wonder what it's like, being made of snow.

    What have you observed? What all do you know?

    On warmer days you could melt 

    Or be blown away by the breeze.

  • Vermont in 2050

    The evergreens

    The piney forests

    The lakes and hills and mountains.

    Today they're thriving

    Well surviving

    But what will it be like in 2050?

    I see an image

    Similar to today's.

    Green everything

  • Snowfall

     The snow comes down in big flakes

    Wet, but puffy

    Pleasing and cold

    Landing on my nose

    My cheeks

    My eyelashes.

    It is officially winter.

    The giddiness that comes with the first snowfall

  • Dreaming


    Like floating

    In the impossible abyss of unknown.


    Becomes conscious

    Becomes something

    Not quite reality

    Not quite not reality.

    Dreams are an in between
