That one leaf
Every leaf tells a heartbreaking story
Every leaf gets swept away
Every leaf crumples
Until it is nothing but dust
Is that my story?
Am I bound to be forgotten
Like that one leaf that flew in my hair
A Haiku
The anxiety
Slowly overpowering
Me myself and I
We're everything
We're weak
And yet you still must
Trap us with laws
Because deep down inside
You know we are strong
We're insignificant
But you get distracted
By our clothes
And you need a girl
Taint of red
It comes like clockwork
Tainting my life in red
Searing pain
Heavy thoughts
Crushing my heart
And yet
I go to school
I get good grades
I do my sports
With the taint of red
Every Little Girl
To every little girl out there
With big dreams
And bright eyes
I hope that by the time
You reach middle school
Our world will be different
Idealized Woman
Why are women
Supposed to
Before man’s expectations?
Why do we
To their
Running without ears
I was running down the street when it started to rain
So I took out my hearing aids.
The world quieted around me.
I kept on
each foot fall
A girl and her friend were sitting at their table during lunch...
It's the rumors...
They're what get to me
Why do they have to start?
Why are they about me?
What did I do?
It's never ending...
The rumors...
They're so cruel...
Just different...
People wonder why I'm quiet.
I wonder why they're loud.
They think I have nothing to say...
But trust me, I have a LOT to say...
But they never listen.
All they talk about is lies.
We Were Meant To Be Broken
Blood is never beautiful
Yet we were made to bleed
Hearts were meant for breaking
Eyes were made for crying
Hands were made for hurting
We were meant to break