


16 years old


  • Last day

    Last day already
    all the students out on the field
    some even crying
    It's sad how it's alread the end of 8th grade for us
    I don't think some of us are ready just yet
    some students gave the teachers problems
  • True Favorite

    so many people have favorites
    favorite writers and artist
    most of them are known for being a bit things
    but for me mine isn't known that well
    my favorite writer, my favorite artist
    is my best friend
  • who am I?

    Who am I?
    well I'm not fully sure myself
    I'm seen as different things
    from that weird kid in class
    to someones best friend
    someones who always smiles
    to someone crying in a corner
    from this kind loving girl
  • Summer already

    As I sit in the classroom, last one of the day
    just a few days till we're out of school
    It seems unreal, but the weather is so warm
    8th grade almost done
    almost 9th, almost a high schooler
    I shouldn't worry about next year
  • Overwhelmed

    As the moon and stars swirled around me overhead, I was overcome by a sense of being overwhelmed
    I was running out of time to get things done
    wondering if I would have time –
    middle school soon becomes high school