
Happiness puts a smile on your face    

and helps  you to run and race. 

If you lift your hands up high

 and close your eyes 

then you will find

 a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

 With thoughts and memories side by side.

 Pick one that you truly love

 and feel the happiness flood, flood, flood

 right through your body, right though your veins.,

 Rain interrupts the silence.

 Memories fall around you.

 Nice thoughts.

 Good thoughts.

 Happy thoughts.

 You jump and call out “HAPPINESS!!”

 Then you feel courage.

 Then you feel faith.

            Then you know you can do anything.

 If I am blue I think of you,

 so kind and comforting.

 You pat me gently on my back

 and tell me to be me.

 What thought will you choose today

 to wash your sadness and fears away?

 You may choose whatever you would like

 but just make sure it is positive.

 Do not let the negative get in.

 Block it out as best you can.

 Wash the negative thoughts right out

 with happy thoughts and joyfulness.

 Now pick a thought to cheer you up.

 Right here, right now, be happy. 


More by Anonymous

  • By Anonymous


    on my bedroom dresser,
    demise blooms from cracked petals and dried stems,
    rubbing against a dusty glass vase. 

    each flower once flourishing and loved--
    only to be hung upside down,
    and left to die in a dank closet.