Mi gato es tu gato- Baset drawing

Inspired by cedar's lovely sassy cat drawing. I love cats(and mythology) very much, and seeing their cat queen, I couldn't help but draw my own...

Gabbie L.


19 years old

More by Gabbie L.

  • The Castle Maze

    The Castle was changing. They could hear it, in the distance, the slow scrape of stone on stone, the rumbling echoing up from the halls below.
  • Sea Glass

    It sits on my window,
    catching afternoon light,
    shining and glinting dully,
    Sea glass-
    fragments held in the mouth of a sculpted fish,
    worn by sand and curling waves, 
  • Fall

    It's the smell of autumn I love the most-
    the damp decay of leaves and old undergrowth,
    permiable in the air of every forest shedding foliage.
    I've spent hours with that smell,