Traveling through Skardu

My father was traveling through the mountains of Skardu, which is part of the Gilgit-Baltistan province in Pakistan. It is home to K2, the second highest mountain in the world, Broad peak, Gasherbrum (Shining Wall in English), and last but definitely not least, Nanga Parbat (Naked Mountain in English). As he was traveling, he recorded his travels through videos and photographs and I thought I might share some of them. 

These photographs were taken by my father, not me. They are vividly stunning, especially the first one my God! He took this one at the Shangrila Resort Hotel with the artificially constructed lake, Lower Kachura Lake, in the background. The other photographs were taken as he was traveling the valley highways and you'll be thinking on the top of your head, "Are you sure this isn't Switzerland?". They are really quite amazing and I hope you enjoy them!



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