The moment my upper eyelid connects to my lower lid
Is the moment all my thoughts come rushing at me,
Each taking a jab at my brain,
One after the other.
But most of the jabs attack me in the form of a question,
Mostly concerning the reality of my life.
What can I do to help my mother so her wrinkles don’t form any faster?
When will my family step down from running our business?
How much more money do I need to get that pair of shoes?
I can’t think of answers fast enough before another question pops up.
It’s like a flurry of endlessness in my mind.
Never taking a break or stopping for a respite.
I can feel a headache inching its way towards me.
The thoughts spiral out of hand
And that’s the moment when I disconnect my eyelids,
The questions stopping in mid sentence,
And I’m thrust back into the hustle of my existence.
Is the moment all my thoughts come rushing at me,
Each taking a jab at my brain,
One after the other.
But most of the jabs attack me in the form of a question,
Mostly concerning the reality of my life.
What can I do to help my mother so her wrinkles don’t form any faster?
When will my family step down from running our business?
How much more money do I need to get that pair of shoes?
I can’t think of answers fast enough before another question pops up.
It’s like a flurry of endlessness in my mind.
Never taking a break or stopping for a respite.
I can feel a headache inching its way towards me.
The thoughts spiral out of hand
And that’s the moment when I disconnect my eyelids,
The questions stopping in mid sentence,
And I’m thrust back into the hustle of my existence.
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