Castle Trapped

I grabbed my controller and loaded up my game. I selected a new game and I spawned in. I was in a huge castle so I did the only reasonable thing I went exploring. I found an empty kitchen and an armory with no weapons or armor. After that I tried to find an exit. There was none, not even a secret escape tunnel in the basement. So I went to the top of the castle, the game did not have fall damage so I tried to jump. I hit an invisible wall preventing me from jumping. I was losing hunger fast so I went back to the kitchen. When I got back I noticed it was still devoid of food. So I found a rat and two sticks, made a fire, cooked and ate the rat. Next I walked around the castle some more, I found I grand hall with a grand entrance. It was locked from the outside. It seemed I had seen the entire downstairs so I went upstairs. There was a turret that I had never seen before too. I went to the top. I saw a traveler so I chatted to him to unlock the door. He saw the message and unlocked the door for me. Once I was out I explored the land, it was the weirdest gaming moment I had had.

Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor