I no longer know
what each day will bring
but the sun shines
and out comes the spring
and hopefully then
this virus will take wing

But right now
I don't know what's going on
and I have questions
and nobody will answer me
I've got questions

Someone calm my troubled fears
and tell me I'm okay
cause I don't know
I just don't know
I can't know

Cause last week
I knew what was going on
then things 
just started going wrong
Last week 
just seemed to take so long
and now things
still are going wrong

We're given lists of rules
telling us what to do

Don't touch your face
Don't touch your friends
Avoid other people 
This is the end
Buy all food in the stores
Now you've got to stay indoors
Never ever ever touch another human being 
or else you will die

I know that some of these things
are overreactions
fueled by our own media 
but they're starting to scare me
and I'm starting to worry

Everybody acting 
like it's the plague
They're either joking around
or they're paranoid
and I'm not sure
which I am 

I've heard the facts 
I've heard the lies
I've heard the rumors
We're all gonna die 

Cause last week
I knew what was going on
then things 
just started going wrong
Last week 
just seemed to take so long
now things
still keep on going wrong

Now we've got to say goodbye
Now now don't you cry 
I'll hug you even if we
get yelled at by a teacher

Now soon all the halls will be empty
and looking very dead
and we'll all stay at home all-day
staring our laptop screens

Cause last week
I knew what was going on
then things 
just started going wrong
Last week 
just seemed to take so long
now things
just keep on going wrong



19 years old