Dreams Of My Future

Sometimes I dream of my future
and imagine what my life will look like
years and years from now
and these fantasies are so happy
that it hurts to think of them
because I have to wait for them
to become realities

I dream of the day I will graduate
hoping that I'll be valedictorian
giving a speech both honest and wise
that leaves teachers and parents
wiping their eyes
I walk toward my principal
and I shake his hand
I receive my diploma 
and run toward my family
my eyes filled with tears of sorrow and joy

I dream of being in college
maybe even living in a dorm
decorating my own place
and creating a new norm
going to classes 
and making new friends
and learning how to do the job
that I will do for the rest of my life

I dream of graduating from college
and finally finishing school
finally entering the real world
and starting my first teaching job

I dream of that job
and how I will introduce myself
to all my new students
I'm not ashamed to say
I practiced in the mirror today
for something that dozens of year away

I dream of my future husband
future children
future dog
and all of the things that will happen
and I know full well that it won't
turn out the way I plan it
but that doesn't stop me from dreaming
until my heart aches
because there are still many years to wait



19 years old