Fall, and what I believe it to be

Fall, or Autumn or whatever you want to call it, is when Summer begins to turn, turn into Winter.

When the air grows cold, when winter coats and flannels become commonplace once again.

Fall is when a sea of red washes over the hills and mountains, dotted with the green spots of the evergreen trees that provide homes for the squirrels and chipmunks that hoard away their nuts before the cold arrives. Fall is when the leaves begin to fall, they blanket the ground in a sea of red, orange, and yellow. And leaf piles big enough to swim in become numerous. Fall means Halloween, trick or treating through neighborhoods with friends or family. Picking out a costume, buying candy for all the trick or treaters that may stop by your door. Skeletons and pumpkins, spooky stories and games in the dark. Fall also means Thanksgiving, gathering with friends and family to feast and rejoice. Fall spells an end to ice cream, to swimming, to shorts and T-shirts. And when the nights grow darker and longer, colder and quieter, you know Fall is here. Fall is when the lakes and ponds, rivers and streams begin to freeze, creating opportunities for ice fishing and beautiful frozen waterfalls, their beauty frozen in time. Fall is when all you Avid skaters or hockey players begin to stretch your legs and start to play again, when your mom tells you to dress warmly, even though you don’t mind the cold, you know Fall is here. When the wind turns brisk and the birds fly south, to weather out the cold to come in warmer regions, then you will know that Fall is upon us. Then the only birds that are left are the pesky crows whose call wakes you up in the morning, better than your alarm clock ever could, because crows have no snooze buttons, no way to make it stop so you can get those extra 5 minutes because it’s still dark. Fall is when you can cozy up under a blanket and watch your favorite show, plan for Christmas, and watch the leaves fall from your window as you read a book. Fall means more blankets piled on top of you as you fall asleep, to keep you warm during the colder and colder nights. All of this gives you an insight to what I believe Fall to be.

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Fall '23: Writing.

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